Finally graduated!


It finally happened! I graduated! After six years of studying at the university. The first feeling is a huge relief. We had a graduation ceremony at the university in the end of November and I graduated as a Master of Science in Technology. On Friday morning I traveled by train to Lappeenranta to receive my diploma. My family and friends came there to celebrate with me. Even though there was a bit of hustle going on the whole weekend of graduation, I felt happy.


We traveled back to Helsinki on the same evening with my family. That Friday the weather was rainy and dark, but on the next morning, the sun was shining after a long while. It had snowed in Helsinki and everywhere looked so beautiful. I took a tram and headed to Tähtitorninmäki where we had planned a photoshoot with my talented photographer friend Mikko Larke. The place was perfect for photos and I was super happy about snow and sunshine that I didn’t even feel cold at all. The photos turned out well also. In the evening we celebrated with my relatives and friends by playing games and eating cakes.


Couple months earlier I had booked a three days trip to Portugal. That time, I didn’t know when I would finish my studies, but I knew I wanted to travel after graduation. The timing was perfect. I had a flight to Lisbon on the next weekend after my graduation. My friends from Austria study exchange came to the airport to pick me up. Me and Huyen wanted to visit Jose and his city and that’s how we chose our destination. Huyen had arrived before me and we went straight away to explore the city. We had a good time exploring Lisbon and places nearby.

Lisbon was beautiful with all the cute streets and the sea. My favorite places were a beach and a cave in Arrábida. One day was foggy and rainy, but overall the trip was full of sunshine and clear skies. Portuguese desserts surprised me with how delicious they are. The trip felt like an Austria reunion and we memorized our time there two years back.


After coming back from Portugal I went straight back to work and office life became a reality again. Traveling is good, and I enjoy my everyday life in Helsinki with all its ups and downs as well. Yet, after graduation I was happy and relieved, but at the same time there is this weird empty feeling. The goal of studying for many years has been reached. All the work and effort that had been done to reach this point in life. And now it is done.

So what is the next goal?

Laura Manninen

Videokuvaaja & valokuvaaja

3000 km in 10 days


Autumn hustle